Full Moon in Taurus + Samhain
This Saturday we have a beautiful occurrence that hasn't happened for 19 years - a full moon on Halloween! Originally called Samhain, this is a day of harvest and celebration and the opportunity for deep ancestral work as it is also a day that traditionally celebrates the dead.
I believe in the deep power of ancestral work, and the deep need for ancestral healing. When we are in touch with our ancestors (human and non-human alike) we have a direct connection to the divine. Ancestral work is at the core of my spirituality and religious practices, and one that I believe is so necessary if we want to deepen our experiences with spirit. When we heal our ancestors, we heal ourselves. And when we heal ourselves, we heal our ancestors.
Trauma, shame, and pain are passed down through the generations - ancestral trauma lives in our DNA and in our spirits. Working through this trauma allows us to access a deeper place in our own healing and come into connection with our bodies and minds. But joy, tradition, love, and gratitude are also passed down through the generations, and when we get in touch with our ancestors we have an opening to access those beautiful emotions as well.
A full moon in Taurus is an opportunity to sensually get back in touch with our bodies, and Samhain is a time to celebrate and honor the dead. Where do you see your ancestors in your own body? What feelings arise when you notice this? Is there any old story you're holding onto that needs to be composted?
Attached here is a tarot spread for ancestral openings, and a simple ancestral guidance ritual for those who may be new to the practice. Remember that these practices are available to you at any moment, and that ancestral guidance is always here for you to access.