Full Moon in Aries Spread

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, one with a strong will and a clear head. This full moon in Aries occurs on October 20th, and is an invitation to deeply align with your true purpose. Tapping into this strong Aries energy will help give you the clarity you need to move forward with direction and momentum. For this tarot spread, we’re also going to be working with the Chariot, which is the perfect complimentary energy for this moon.

During this time, be open to receiving information from your highest self. Tune into your core and tune out all the static around you - Aries energy doesn’t give a fuck about what the world thinks of them! They know their path and they’re determined to walk it with courage and strength.

Now is the time to invest in energy that give you energy in return - it’s time to step away from projects that have been draining you so you can be more present with the things that bring you joy and life. Release your old vision of yourself, and release yourself from what anyone else thinks of you. Your journey is your own - it’s time to move forward.

Take a deep breath, ground yourself. Find the Chariot card and remove it from the deck, placing it in front of you to be your guide.

  1. What do I need to align myself with this moon cycle?

  2. How can I best support this work?

  3. How does this project/situation support my truest purpose?

  4. What do I need to let go of during this time?

  5. How can I let these things go with grace and compassion?

  6. What energy can I call in to guide me during this time?

  7. What seeds am I planting for my future?

  8. What is my divine guidance in this moment? Who is my teacher?


Shadow Work Tarot Spread