Samhain Thoughts

Autumn is here and in full swing! October is my favorite month of the year - here in the Northern Hemisphere the days are getting shorter and colder, the energy is shifting into darkness and hibernation. We are in the beginning stages of Scorpio season, a time to dive deep within ourselves, to explore our own darkness, to reconnect with our own mystery and power.

Samhain is a traditional holiday in the Pagan wheel of the year - one of the four major sabbats. Now called Halloween, this day is still sacred in so many cultures. It’s a day to honor our ancestors, connect with the earth and our dead, reflect on the seasons that have passed so far in the year and prepare ourselves for the coming rest period of winter.

This time of year for me is all about introspection - sometimes I get a little sad and nostalgic thinking of the spring and summer that have passed, but I think the colder weather invites us into a presentness, and gives us the opportunity to make use of our waning light and the final months of the year. In the spirit of such introspection, I wanted to offer some of my favorite ways to observe Samhain, and bring a sense of peace and groundedness to the fall season.

Cleaning the Hearth

Everyone is familiar with spring cleaning, but for me a fall cleaning is just as important for maintaining the energetic balance of your home. Summer can be a hectic season, filled with fast-paced activities, social calls, heat and sweat and expansion. The autumn offers us time to start slowing down, come back to our hearth and experience home once again.

Cleansing Floor Wash

  • First, thoroughly sweep your entire home. If you have access to outside, dump any debris and dirt outside in the trees. If you don’t have access, using your trashcan is fine! When offering up the dirt and debris, visualize all the energy, thoughts, or feelings that might have accumulated in your home that don’t belong to you. As you leave the dirt behind, mentally leave behind any discord or discomfort that might be sticking to your home.

  • In a large bucket or sink, mix the following for your floor wash:

    • Hot water (as much as you need to mop your floor!)

    • 1/2-1 cup vinegar (use your judgement depending on how much water you used)

    • 2-3 tablespoons agua florida

    • Sprig of mugwort (fresh or dried is fine! If it’s dried and chopped, put it in a little cheesecloth bag so you don’t get herbs all over the floor)

  • Take a rag and clean your floors with this mixture, envisioning all unwelcome or stale energy being absorbed into the water. You can also pray during this process, inviting in whatever energy you need. I recommend doing your doorways and windowsills as well, as they are literally entrances into your home for both physical and energetic entities!

  • If using a rag is inaccessible to you, use your swiffer or whatever mop you wish.

The Ancestor Altar

During this time we are being invited to reconnect with your ancestral roots. I always spruce up my ancestor altar during this time, adding new elements and adding things I am called to. Including your ancestors in your prayers, especially on Samhain, you can invite in their wisdom and ask for what messages or divine guidance you need during this time.

  • If you already have an altar, consider taking it all apart to mindfully clean and dust the whole area.

  • If you don’t have an altar, start with a simple piece of cloth (red or orange are preferred colors, but use what you have!)

  • Add any photographs, trinkets, or memorabilia that remind you of your ancestors.

  • Plants are also our ancestors! If you have a difficult relationship with your human family (as many of us do) don’t forget that you can add - things to honor the earth ancestors we all share. A pine cone, a sprig of garden sage, a lock of fur or collar from a deceased pet are all beautiful additions.

  • Include a cup of water and a cup of earth on your altar. The water is purifying, to pray into, and the earth is to absorb all that we wish to put down during this time.

Plant Medicine for Samhain

Working with plants during the fall and during Samhain is a wonderful way to engage with our earth ancestors, and invite in the energy we’d like to embodying for the winter and the coming year! These are some plants that are seasonal and energetically balanced with this time of year.

  • Cinnamon: Cinnamon is a classic fall favorite! The warm spicy flavors perfectly match the season. Cinnamon is also a powerful herbal ally, and can help us fight colds, boost our immune system, and give us a boost of energy when we need it. Spiritually, cinnamon is used ancestrally to call in abundance and prosperity. Consider it for your altar, or add a stick of it to your morning tea or coffee.

  • Garden Sage: Opposed to white sage, garden sage is a non-endangered plant that you can work with without appropriating Indigenous sacred practices. Sage builds vitality and prevents disease, and is a wonderful respiratory ally. Spiritually it is very clearing and cleansing, used to expel negative energy that sticks onto us. You can add it to a bath, make a tea, or even cook with it for the medicinal and spiritual benefits.

  • Rosemary: Rosemary is a typical herb both for fall and for ancestor work. This herb is wonderful for the memory, improves circulation and eases the nervous system. Spiritually we can connect with rosemary to help us remember our dead, and remember them with warmth and compassion. It is another plant that is often used to dispel any negative or stagnant energy. You can cook with rosemary, burn it, or put it on your altar.

  • Garlic: One of the most powerful herbs that we interact with daily, garlic is a wonderful companion for Samhain and the fall. It’s anti-bacterial, anti-viral, immune-building and a great tonic for the colder seasons. Garlic has been traditionally used to ward off the evil eye, to protect your home, and keep any pesky spirits or energy from sticking to you while the veil is thin. Place or hang garlic around your windows or doors, cook with it, or eat it raw crushed in honey.

These are just some of the practices I put into place during Samhain and during this fall season in order to feel grounded and protected. In the coming weeks I’ll be posting more thoughts on ancestors and ancestor work, and posting a healing salve recipe (that’s perfect for fall and winter skin conditions!) on my Patreon!

Love & Solidarity,


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